torsdag 1 oktober 2015

Thoughts about - How Facebook changed the world

I think Facebook have changed the world in many ways. I remember my first interaction with Facebook around 2007 when I was studying in Australia and there were rumors going on about a big student-party. 

I asked a corridor mate about how I could get more information about this gathering and she told me that all information was on Facebook, and I remember that I was a bit confused over what Facebook was.

At the moment she introduced me to Facebook it was love at the first sight and I was stuck. The best part was that it was easy to keep in contact with all relatives and friends at home and be updated with all things going on in their lives.

Nowadays I see Facebook as a part of the infrastructure and I use it daily. Both in my personal and professional life because it’s have been more and more important for companies to know what the crowd thinks of their brand or products. 

The downside with Facebook is that people tend to building up a façade were everything in their lives are so fantastic and perfect but in the end their lives are no better than others at all. It also feels like it has become a platform for sharing news without any critical review of the information.
I can also react on that people seems to be so busy checking out what’s going on in others life so they are forgetting to live their own lives. For example, I can’t remember how many times I’ve seen people sitting and eating dinner without talking to each other, just stirring blindly down on their cellphones.

I think a big part of us needs to interact face to face in order to evolve as humans, and learn to read how people react to different facts and thoughts. It’s hard to imagine someone’s expression and reaction without physically seeing it.

3 kommentarer:

  1. I have also reacted to the whole facade of the postings. It pushes people to only post the good things in life and after a while you tend to feel that bad things only happen in your own life. Then there's the other side of the spectrum and that's the people that constantly complain about everything and just has to post it on Facebook and drag everybody down. I really can't tell which one is the worst.
    //Pia Gati

  2. I agree with you on that Facebook really was love at first sight! It was truly amazing that all these features were possible online! To reach and share information with a lot of people at the same time really sped up the process of e.g. hosting a big party or an event. I have also encountered friends studying abroad and the ease of both talk to their friends and to see what is happening at home, has been a great simplification of living far away from home. I can easily see why you got stuck while living in Australia!

    To get easy access to information about events and to chat with family and friends are still my main reason to stay on Facebook. The downside you write about, that some people have problems distinguishing real life from the connected life is however, something I think say more about the people than about Facebook. I do not blame Facebook for people ending up spending their dinners scrolling through the feed, which is simply a question of personality and behaviour in my opinion. Of course I am aware of that there is something called addiction, but to put away your phone for a while having dinner with your loved ones, it cannot be that hard?! As a Swede I am not surprised that I think a mix of connected interaction and normal human interaction is the best. “Lagom” is always the best!

  3. I also think that we need to interact face to face in order to evolve as humans!
    Do yo think the worst part about Facebook is the façade other people try to build up about them selfs?
